Supporting Walk Church financially / Giving to Walk Church
Walk Church has expenses (Travel and web hosting etc), which your donation will help cover. Your giving also enables us to make donations to the churches that we visit/start from, and finally helps demonstrates you value this ministry.
Walk Church is led by Rev’d Alex Bienfait on a voluntary basis, he draws no stipend. He is a retired priest who has Permission to Officiate, in the Diocese of Canterbury.
Donations can be made to Ashford Town Parish PCC, the bank details are provided below. To make sure your payments are assigned to the Walk Church account, please also write to the Treasurer of Ashford Town PCC Shirley Leslie: whenever you make a payment or set up a regular standing order.
Account name: ASHFORD TOWN PCC
Sort Code: 20 02 62
Account number: 30686611
Thank you for your support.
Last updated on June 6th, 2024