Walk Church that was Sunday 28th May 2023.

Posted: 24 May, 2023 | Category: Walks

St. John the Baptism, Mersham.

We might wish for the current persistent cold northerly wind to blow itself out. But having this wind as we walked on Pentecost Sunday helped us to imagine what those early disciples might have experienced. As we listened to the reading about the coming of the Holy Spirit, it seemed as if the trees themselves were taking part, as the wind energized their their leaves.

We reflected on how we act when we are frightened. We become defensive, focused on the short term and unable to be creative. We prayed for the gift Holy Spirit to transform our fears and make us bolder in all we attempt.

For our next meeting we will venture beyond our normal area, starting at St. Margaret at Cliffe, near Dover, Sunday 25th June. This walk will boast great views and a fascinating variety of flowers at this time of year.

Do join us, newcomers particularly welcome.