Walk Church, Sunday 26th March 2023
The weather was not auspicious. It had rained most night and and a light drizzle still lingered as we were gathering. The rain lifted as we we started walking, but our biggest challenge turned out to be not the mud, but a driving wind and a sudden drop in temperature. This didn’t stop the 11 of us who took part enjoying a meaningful walk. Back at St. James’ Church, the cake and tea in a warm room were all the more appreciated. Huge thanks to Susan and Julian of St. James Sheldwich who prepared this for us.
We reflected on new life arising from of death. As we retold from memory the story of the rising of Lazarus, arguing over the details, we saw all around us nature demonstrating its vitality by breaking the dormancy of winter. Several plants already in flower: banks of primroses, small clumps of violets, and the tiny flowers of dog’s mercury. Most vivid was a prolific fungus colonising a dead fallen tree.
Looking ahead to Easter, we reflected that for new life to take hold, we need to we need to make space and let go of the past. The fungus we saw could only grow on a tree what was dying.
The next meeting of Walk Church Sunday 30th April (Note, this is the 5th Sunday of the month), 1:45 for 2pm at Shadoxhurst.