Walk Church that was Sunday 30th April 2023.
We were listening to the Gospel (John 10:1-10), and came to where Jesus says:
“I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly”.
Moments after those words had been spoken, a nightingale started his bewitching song. Click here for a YouTube link It was a magical “God moment” that could never have been rehearsed; we just stood transfixed in silence, taking in the liquid song and the words of the Gospel.
Before this, we’d been introduced to a novel water management technique being applied to the streams and river of Streetend Wood. Designed to slow water flows and reduce runoff, the scheme is part of a project run by The South East Rivers trust in the upper catchment of River Beult. Particular thanks to local landowner Martin Richmond-Coggan for taking time to join our walk and showing us round these special features.
The next meeting of Walk Church Sunday 28h May, 1:45 for 2pm at Mersham.